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Gangs of New York

Gangs of New York


Title - Gangs of New York
My Admission - $6.50
One Line Review - Daniel Day - Lewis is Savage!


Review - Martin Scorsese's tribute to New York is pretty good.  Thankfully much better than I thought it would be.  Gangs is pretty much your typical epic story.  Good guy, bad guys, pretty girl, and revenge, and Martin has found a way to make them all pretty interesting.

The biggest thing this movie has going for it is it's cast.  All of which do a good job.  Cameron Diaz was better that I thought she'd be, but not much. Leonardo DiCaprio is a very competent actor and he produces, without flash, a solid performance.  Jim Broadbent, Henry Thomas, John C. Reily, Bendan Gleeson, and Liam Neeson all turn in good performances.  Daniel Day – Lewis however....He's an acting savage.  He alone is worth the price of a ticket and 3hours of your time.  As the aptly named 'Butcher' Lewis is the ruler of the 5-Points in New York City and in an odd way the real hero of the film.

Moving on.  From the opening battle sequence in a snow covered empty lot, I thought this movie would be crap.  It's music video violence and soundtrack were set to destroy the film.  Slow motion movements, bodies falling, knives slashing, that damn electronic music, and my thought, "Where's the blood?" Silly question.  What Gangs spares you in the beginning it makes up for in the last quarter of the film.  Gangs of New York becomes a morbid scene. Gratuitous in my mind, so be wary.  It's not the same violence that will have you moved to tears, but the kind the filmmakers, much like Lewis' "Butcher", like to put on display.

At times intense and I'll say interesting, Gangs of New York is a worthy effort.  Much better than I expected, kudos to Martin Scorsese, I recommend a look yourself.  Even if it's only to find an appreciation for those top hats.


Movie Information

MPAA Rating:  
Executive Producer:  
Running Time:  

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