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Miss Congeniality

Miss Congeniality


Title - Miss Congeniality
My Admission - $6.25
One Line Review - Sandra Produces The Hollywood Formula.


Review - Sandra Bullock, the Actress, Producer, extraordinaire has created a film that doesn't stray an inch from the classic Hollywood formula.  Congratulations, most people have no more faith in such formulas.  Miss Congeniality is very enjoyable.  A great date or matinee film but an even better drive-in movie.  Pack up the clan, get some munchies, and spend a Friday night in a parking lot under the stars.

Bullock plays a not-so girlie cop who's out to catch a serial bomber.  This kat never bombs the same thing twice and after a brief bit of study it's determined that he'll bomb a beauty pageant. Who's the perfect cop for the job? Sandra Bullock is.  A semi-klutzy girl who's got more brute then poise but must succumb to her feminine side in order to catch a killer.  I won't spoil the details because you can guess the rest.

But part of Sandra's success should be attributed to her cast. Candice Bergen, Benjamin Bratt, Michael Caine, Keith David, & William Shatner.  All of who fit like a glove.  Bratt turns in a performance straight out of Law & Order, one he's solidly perfected.
Michael Caine, plays an outdated pageant consultant (complete with pink tuxedo) who takes a stab at turning Bullock's tomboyish character into a 'real girl'.  Keith David fills the classic, "You're off the case." boss.  Then Candice Bergen and William Shatner play the pageant hostess and M.C., respectively.  The actors are great but Bergen and Shatner suffer from their characters under use and development.  These two could have torn up the screen if their parts had been filled with the space they gave to a dead-in-the-water storyline surrounding a serial bomber.  Bergen and Shatner get robbed.

All in all though, Miss Congeniality is good fun and Sandra has real talent.  Not just as an actress but as a producer as well.  Her earlier efforts, Hope Floats & 28 Days are just as enjoyable as Miss Congeniality and that's saying a lot.  With a little more emphasis on her dwindling characters Miss Congeniality could have been a great movie.  I believe Sandra has more than 1 great movie in her.

It's just a shame that it wasn't this one.

Ah Sandra, what could have been.


Movie Information

MPAA Rating:  
Executive Producer:  
Running Time:  

Turn Down The Lights, Turn Up The Sound.

Matthew Gilbert © 1999-2006 All Rights Reserved

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