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From Justin To Kelly

From Justin To Kelly: The Tale of Two American Idols


Title - From Justin To Kelly: The Tale of Two American Idols
My Admission -


One Line Review - A Campy Musical Is My Guilty Pleasure


Review - The popularity of American Idol is waning on me.  I'd like to say that I'm becoming more difficult to impress but the fact remains that some people are too talented to ignore.  American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson is one of those talented people.  She's a fantastic singer, she seems to have a very friendly attitude, and imposes a very strong sense of womanhood.  Maybe that sounds a bit over the top but I find her to be a hard woman to objectify.

Following that line of thought, her character in from Justin To Kelly solidifies my points and makes her the most enjoyable character in the film. Justin Guarini, the American Idol runner-up, is no slouch in the talent department and seems to be as enjoyable a person.  Both of these individuals seem ripe for this kind of film and they're by far the best things about it. Kudos to the American Idols for making From Justin To Kelly as enjoyable an experience as it can be.

Frankly the movie sucks. But I like it.

The script is pretty stale and the additional characters are far less talented, but a campy musical is so much fun for me that I'm able to enjoy this movie more than most of my readers ever will.  The dancing is fun, the songs are average, and the mood is so light that you can't help but smile and such entertainment.

I really don't expect much from these types of films.  In my opinion Grease is the best campy musical ever made, The Rocky Horror Picture Show gets a nod, and that's followed by one of my other favorites, Back To The Beach (with Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello).  I love these movies and I can enjoy From Justin To Kelly in the same vein.

There's hardly an offensive moment in the film and one great line where Justin is slapped with the moniker "Side-Show Bob".  Supposedly regular people just breaking into song and dance in the most public of places and situations gets me smiling and I can't hate From Justin To Kelly: The Tale of Two American Idols as much as most people will.


Movie Information

MPAA Rating:  
Executive Producer:  
Running Time:  

Turn Down The Lights, Turn Up The Sound.

Matthew Gilbert © 1999-2006 All Rights Reserved

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