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Final Fantasy-The Spirits Within

Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within


Title - Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within
My Admission - $8.00
One Line Review - Wow, A Good Sci-Fi movie.


Review - The computer-generated film is a true marvel.  Richly detailed and texturized, the film brings the combined feel of both Blade Runner and Aliens back to the screen.

The film is based on a story by director Hironobu Sakaguchi, the visionary creator of the Final Fantasy interactive game series. Although it's an original work it does bring some elements of the game series to life (bigger than before) but in no way is that daunting or noticeable to those who've never played the games; like me.

The film itself is moody and paced (I wouldn't call it slow but others have).  Unfolding isn't really the right word.  The film just sort of moves along it's own track; taking in each new piece of information as you pass by.  It doesn't deviate or create a number of subplots; it's very focused.  I liked that very much.

The animation is incredible, although not perfect.  Most notable would be the character's dialogue, which has a tendency to not match their lip movement (neither does Jackie Chan's and were shelling out $ for that guy).  Considering the achievements of the film, it's a small price to pay.

While we're on the subject of price paying; I’ll establish that the film is not perfect.  The story is not really new, it's idea based around higher powers and the films human-antagonist played by James Woods is far too stoopid and hell-bent on irrationality for my taste.

The cast however is impeccable.  James Woods does a great job with his character, taking him all the way over the edge.  It's effective but the guy is obnoxious.  Alec Baldiwn is as smooth as ever.  Keith David and Donald Sutherland give their best fare.  Surprises came from the inclusion of Ving Rhames, Peri Gilpin (Frasier), and Steve Buscemi.  These 3 actors rounded out Baldwin's Marine force with style and realism.  The heroine of the film is Aki, (Ming-na Wen who voiced Mulan) a stunningly real creation; proportioned outside the Hollywood model of perfection.  I included this statement to acknowledge that the animators have created an animated character without all the sexual trappings of Lara Croft or Jessica Rabbit or countless other animated females.  Although Aki is featured in a pictorial in this month's Maxim magazine. Dig that.

All of that aside, Final Fantasy is a marvelous movie.  Visually, the (currently) deep end of the ocean.  Well written, acted, and executed.  A must for the big screen.


Movie Information

MPAA Rating:  
Executive Producer:  
Running Time:  

Turn Down The Lights, Turn Up The Sound.

Matthew Gilbert © 1999-2006 All Rights Reserved

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