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Any Given Sunday

Any Given Sunday


Title - Any Given Sunday
My Admission - $6.00
One Line Review - Oliver Stone has made one damn long Nike Commercial.


Review - That pretty much sums it up.  It's fast, full of imagery, and loud.  It's got a lot of music and some of the most obnoxious edits I've seen.  Not big on plot but BIG on performances.  And did I mention LOUD?

Plot & Performances - Oliver Stone has written a screenplay that covers, pretty much, every aspect of modern football.  The aging quarterback with aging injuries, the aging coach with aging ideals. A new, young, and very comfortable in a locker-room full of naked men, owner with a hand in all the decision making (perfect for Raider fans).  The young, hotshot quarterback with something to prove and the team he alienates.  Which includes, "The best receiver in history", an aging defensive tackle whose final hit could be his last) anybody remember Steve Young?) And the all pro/all star that’s got to make his yards or his Tostitos commercial deal falls through. The aging doctor who understands the 'Warrior Code' and his protégé who believes in putting the athlete's care ahead of their dreams. And the women who love them.  I can't forget, 3 games, a bye week, & 1 post-season game.

The script only covers the incidents listed above and Oliver has written everything in the form of a speech.  The plus side is Oliver is able to coerce stellar performances from each and every actor in the film.  Each, in turn, given an opportunity to showboat.  Not bad considering the long list of actors/actresses.  And they all make the grade:  Al Pacino, Dennis Quaid, Jamie Foxx, Bill Belamy, Lauren Holly, LL Cool J, Charlton Heston, Cameron Diaz, John C. McGinley, James Woods, Matthew Modine, Jim Brown, Dick Butkus, Lela Rochan, Elizabeth Berkeley, Ann Margret, etc, etc, etc.

Now, with all of this going on when do you think Oliver Stone would have time for any football?  ALL THE TIME.  The extended football scenes are loud, choppy, and tense.  Oliver has managed to put a real exciting edge to the game play.  However, the edits are faster The Blair Witch Project so be warned.

Ultimately, if you're an NFL fan you'll identify with the film and from that perspective find the movie easy to enjoy.  If you're not a fan, you could be turned, but I wouldn't bet the spread on it.


Movie Information

MPAA Rating:  
Executive Producer:  
Running Time:  

Turn Down The Lights, Turn Up The Sound.

Matthew Gilbert © 1999-2006 All Rights Reserved

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