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American Pie

American Pie


Title - American Pie
My Admission - $5.00
One Line Review - "What's my name, Bitch!"


Review - Don't panic!  The one line review is completely out of context.  I used it to describe American Pie cause this ain't no "Sixteen Candles".

American Pie is crude and tactless (like the One Line Review) and funnier than hell.  Not as endearing as what the Farrelly Brothers have done (Dumb & Dumber, Kingpin, There's Something About Mary) but the shock value is there.  My niece tells me that this film is the talk of the high school and quotes (like the One Line Review) and
thrown about all day long; like one big inside joke (like the One Line Review).  You'll find yourself doing much the same thing or trying to repress them, when the film is over; irregardless of whether you liked the film or not.

The story is of no redeeming value.  4 seniors make a packet to lose their virginity by the end of Prom Night and have offered to help each other in any way they can.  Yet little ever transpires between them on their course for the Holy Grail, a tragedy, in my opinion.
But the four stories are kinda cool.  The most endearing of which sees an actual crossover of one of the boys from tactless Jock-boy Nova (remember the Beautiful Line) to a young man following true desire.  The funniest being of one strapping young lad with and affinity for masturbation and for following the Risky Business Motto: "What the F*&^."  The moral of the story belongs to one boy and his long time girlfriend who may or may not finally take the plunge.  And this is rounded up by Finch.  The quiet boy (the most
underused character in the film).  Rumors abound about the young, ummm.  One Time, at Band Camp, I wrote a movie review....and....

The cast is great.  I recognized 2 of the girls from their work in other films: Natasha Lyonne (The Slums of Beverley Hills) and Mena S väri (American Beauty).  I never watched Buffy so Alyson Hannigan was new to me but I quote her most (remember the One Line Review). I'm going to leave the rest of the cast names out cause I don't feel
like taking up the space but this cast is a riot, pleasing to look at, and worthy of this fine plug... Hell somebody may even sleep with them.

Anyway, I can easily foresee a million new teenage films cropping up over the next year or so in the same vain.  I kinda hope not cause I'd rather get quality over quantity.  It's been a while since I've seen Porky's, The Last Ameican Virgin, or Fast Times At Ridgemont High.  I remember those films being a little more endearing and less
vulgar but I'm still quoting those films and this one ranks in there somewhere.  You find a home for it.


Movie Information

MPAA Rating:  
Executive Producer:  
Running Time:  

Turn Down The Lights, Turn Up The Sound.

Matthew Gilbert © 1999-2006 All Rights Reserved

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