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A Knight's Tale

A Knight's Tale


Title - A Knight's Tale
My Admission - $7.00
One Line Review - It's Got Spirit.


Review - A Knight's Tale was an unexpected surprise.  I admit to being excited after the initial teaser back in January (Super Bowl Ad) but I lost that interest after seeing Queen back dropped against the visuals on the screen.  Some ridiculousness about melding classic rock into a medieval timeframe that wasn't going to work for me.  In the end, it just didn't matter.

A Knight's Tale is the story of a young page (Heath Ledger) who has the opportunity to portray a knight in a local tournament.  This, he wins, and along with his fellow pages generate a false nobility in order to travel, compete, and win tournaments across the land.  Not a deep concept, I know but Brian Helgeland has done a pretty amazing job at making it more than just a fun film.

Brian Helgeland, whose claim to fame was writing the very respected L.A. Confidential, has written, directed, and produced A Knight's Tale.  Considering his other writing jobs, The Postman, Payback, & Conspiracy Theory, he's really become the 'triple threat' this summer season.  Ever the pessimist, I'm not expecting much good to come out of this summer's films...Anyway.

I think what really endears you to this film is the cast.  Heath is a very comedic and human actor.  His turn in The Patriot showed a great potential for these traits and with A Knight's Tale, he's off and running.  This guy could be another Indiana Jones in a red-hot minute.  Mark Addy & Alan Tudyk, and Paul Bettany are quite the supporting troop.  Especially Paul's turn as his Knight's announcer. Picture a Don King event in merry old England.  Rufus Sewell is ever menacing.  Laura Fraser as our knight's blacksmith and dancing teacher and Shannyn Sossamon as our Lady round out the strong cast.

A Knight's Tale may seem a little silly but I think it's meant to. The music is in strong contrast to the film but even my 16year old niece came out digging classic rock n' roll.  From David Bowie to BTO or from Queen to AC/DC with a little Thin Lizzy for spice.  Oh quit it....


Movie Information

MPAA Rating:  
Executive Producer:  
Running Time:  

Turn Down The Lights, Turn Up The Sound.

Matthew Gilbert © 1999-2006 All Rights Reserved

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