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28 Days Later

28 Days Later


Title - 28 Days Later
My Admission - $4.50
One Line Review - This Movie Just Didn't Work For Me, Or Did It?


Review - Simply put, I hated were the story took itself.  I just think that there are countless stories one could tell about the last man on Earth or the virus at the end of the world.  And I was so horribly mad that Danny Boyle (Shallow Grave, Trainspotting, The Beach) chose the one he did.  I was frustrated, screaming at the screen, expressing my anger over the film's apparent descent into stupidity.

In retrospect, I have found that I was frustrated, perhaps, to the point of identifying with the main character.  Defiantly not enough to enjoy the movie but enough to acknowledge that it probably isn't as bad as I initially thought.  However I'm quite happy in the bliss of not enjoying 28 Days


28 Days Later begins well enough and sees a few tense moments, at least one shockingly so and a "false-scare" that's arguably the scariest moment in them film.  It had potential and you may enjoy it more than I did.  I mean, that could happen.

Brendan Gleeson (Brave heart, Lake Placid) and Christopher Eccelston (Shallow Grave, Elizabeth, The Others) pop up in supporting roles and are both enjoyable.  The rest of the cast were entirely new to me.

28 Days Later will transfer to DVD easily.  And you won't miss a thing by seeing it at home.  The film is really grainy.  Like it was shot with a 16mm camera.  Just be warned so that you won't think your DVD player is on the blink.  Then do your best to enjoy the experience.

P.S. - I just heard on the radio that after the credits a "What If...?" appears on the screen and an alternate ending is shown.  I'd like to see what Danny may have originally planned.  I may have been more acceptable to the film.


Movie Information

Distributor: Fox Searchlight Pictures
MPAA Rating: R for for strong violence and gore, language and nudity.
Starring:  Cillian Murphy, Naomie Harris, Brendan Gleeson, Megan Burns, Christopher Eccleston
Director: Danny Boyle
Producers:  Andrew Macdonald
Screenwriter: Alex Garland
Cinematographer:  Anthony Dod Mantle
Executive Producer:  
Running Time: 1 hr. 56 min.
Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy, Horror

Turn Down The Lights, Turn Up The Sound.

Matthew Gilbert © 1999-2006 All Rights Reserved

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